Monday, April 7, 2008

Legendary Charlton Heston

You might be wondering why I posted this topic in my blog. Me and my husband watched one of our favorite movies called "Ben-Hur- A Tale of the Christ":. at home last Saturday night. I watched this movie almost 2 years ago when I got here since we have the dvd. My husband last night wanted to watch it again. I really love this movie and I was so excited about it. The movie talks about the Christianity. It was based on a novel, which was written 1880 by Lew Wallace.

When I read the news in the net today, I was surprised to see that the actor who played the role Ben-Hur, Charlton Heston died at 84 last Saturday night. Isn't it weird? He played as Moses, El Cid, John the Baptist, and many Christian movies. I do think he was a very good actor.

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