Thursday, November 8, 2007

The Ratatouille Experience

Just the other day, my hubby bought my favorite cartoon movie of this year, Ratatouille. And guess what? My friend at work gave me a pin with Ratatouille on it. lol I got so excited. It is collectible. yepey! I watched this movie in the theater five months ago with my hubby. By the way, the word Ratatouille comes from the word "touiller" which means to toss food. It is a French word in which you pronounce it as, "ræta'tui,-'twi". The movie is awesome. It is a family animated movie made by Pixar. I recommended it to my friends. And whoever is reading this blog, well, go and get one. The movie was about a rat with a very good sense of smelling. He cooks and uses his nose to get the right taste. Sounds intriguing? Well, I don't really want to tell the whole story of this movie. But you can read this link from wikipedia. See it yourself and enjoy. You will not regret it.

1 comment:

hfnl/jtld said...

wow dat's baby loves this movie too :D.